How Are Australian Families Saving $$$ On Gift Wrapping Paper?
Savvy Families today are on the look out for ways to save money & time online. Busy enough with getting the kids ready in the morning for School, making lunches, cleaning up, laundry, dinner, helping with homework and more! And some of them doing all of this whilst having a day job!
What's the secret? Parents are buying Bulk Wrapping Paper (retail counter rolls of paper)! A parent with kids, you will be celebrating a couple of birthdays a year (depending on how many children you have or friends and relatives have.) But not only that, your children will be going to their friends birthday parties too! Let's say they have a bunch of friends and in some cases they are invited to the WHOLE classroom which could be up to 30 birthday parties in a year.. and having a couple of children being invited to all their friends would be 60 birthdays! WOW!
That is a huge amount of birthday parties and presents. Wrapping gifts with wrapping paper for birthday presents or for 'pass-the-parcel' birthday games, that is a LOT of wrapping paper used during the year!
Mums and Dads are jumping online and sourcing bigger rolls of paper, normally being used for shops who gift wrap in stores. Not only do you get larger rolls which, by the meter, is far better value.. the paper thickness and quality is more than likely better than what you can buy at the local shopping centre for 2-3 meters from $2.00 up to $4.95+

Over the last few years, we have noticed more parents jumping onto our website to buy wrapping paper for just their childrens birthdays! Of course there are engagements, weddings, and other party celebrations too...
Share with friends who have children, its a great way to save! Shop our Products today!
That’s the end of the blog! Thanks for your time.
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